But an officemate of mine can eat 5 of these in one standing. (yes Lloyd, that's you dude)
The contestants were not the only one who enjoyed the free hotdogs.
(L to R: Lloyd, Ryan, Jeremy, Ukrain, Joy and Rey)

(L to R: Lloyd, Ryan, Jeremy, Ukrain, Joy and Rey)
We helped ourselves to unlimited hotdog at the backstage. Yum! Maybe we should have more of this event hehe

That's the same hotdog I've been holding in all photos :p I can't seem to finish it coz it's quite... big. :p
No more dinner for them after this. They lost count on the hotdog they ate that the event ran out of hotgods for the contestants. :p
See?? im still holding the same hotdog :p infairness it was delish!
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